(圖片來源:Wikipedia )

最近一直忙著Christmas大大小小的事,因為我們舉辦了兩場Story Time,還有最盛大的,就是明天要登場的Christmas Party。

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上個禮拜,我在Story Time裡面講了三本繪本。
其中一本,很受到小聽眾們喜歡的,就是它--- Santa's Busy Day  

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唸唸韻文,可以幫助小朋友們學習單字、rhyming words、語感,也覺得趣味橫生。
這是從Wee Sing for Christmas裡面選出來的,這套專輯我很喜歡,雖年代久遠,但有很多經典。  

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這是我們的Story Time Souvenir。

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昨天,我們已舉辦「聖誕薑餅人Story Time」。謝謝大家的熱烈參與。
我要先分享一首magic song。
我在Story Time裡面,變了一個小魔術。
Magic, magic, boom, boom, boom!

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這是我們幼美班今天的art craft --- A Chubby Little Reindeer。
Material:牛皮紙、色紙(棕色、紅色、白色)、黑色奇異筆、膠水(使用相片膠更佳) 、彩色筆。

1. Use a pencil to trace your both hands. Cut them down.

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 May the gladness of Christmas linger in your heart all year!願聖誕的喜悅整年縈繞你心間。 You're wished a Christmas full of happy surprises!祝你聖誕佳節充滿驚喜!
 Hope all your Christmas dreams come true!願你所有的聖誕美夢都成真! Warmest wishes for Christmas and throughout the coming year!最溫馨地祝賀你聖誕快樂,新的一年美滿如意! May the beauty and joy of Christmas remain with you throughout the New Year!願聖誕的美景和喜悅終年伴隨你! Have a happy Christmas that's as nice as you!願你有一個和你一樣可愛的聖誕佳節! Wishing you the peace, joy, and happiness of Christmas!祝聖誕平安、喜悅、幸福! Wishing you peace, happiness, and the true spirit of Christmas!祝福你享有聖誕的平安、幸福和真諦! I wish you the special gifts of Christmas - joy, peace and love!聖誕禮物最特別-獻上喜悅、平安和愛! May the joy and warmth of Christmas fill your home with happiness.願聖誕的喜悅和溫馨,帶給你的家庭無限幸福。 A very merry Christmas and the warmest wishes, too. May the season bring much pleasure and a happy year to you.衷心祝福你聖誕快樂,願佳節在新的一年裡帶給你無盡的幸福與歡樂。 May the blessing of Christmas be with you today and always!願聖誕祝福與你同在,今天以至永遠!

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聖誕節前,不能免俗地,要讓孩子們寫封信給Santa Claus。
2.告訴Santa 「我今年很乖」以爭取好禮物。
剛開始,小朋友們不知道如何下筆,老師們就要用引導式的教學法。這裡有兩篇引導式作文。第一篇是給大一點的孩子,鼓勵他們獨立完成一些句子,再成為一篇完整的書信。下面這篇則是給初級班的孩子,做選字填充練習,也讓孩子們對書信有初步了解。這兩篇,我這幾年都有讓不同程度的孩子們寫,體驗一下期待Santa到來的心情,也增進英文寫作能力。當時是參考網路資料,再經過老師的編修,就成了兩篇寫作檔案。孩子們的成品,可以作為教室佈置,或是留存起來,成為一份美好的紀念。 需要檔案的老師或家長,歡迎留下e-mail address與名字,我可以將檔案寄給您分享。就到本週末12/19截止吧。

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A Holly Jolly Christmas!

今年,Teacher Gwen和我一起重新編舞,希望變得更好跳、更好記一點。  

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最近讀了幾篇Christine 所寫的Halloween、Thanksgiving的回顧文章,很有感受。


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Jingle Bell Rock的舞蹈版,由Teacher Catherine與Teacher Gwen來跳給你們看!

我要特別感謝,我的好朋友Teacher Bella ,協助我們在這個歌曲的編舞。

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上面的That's Not Santa,故事的剛開始,是一個大雪紛飛的Christmas Eve。
看到雪景,我就會用唱歌的方式問問孩子們:How's the weather? 

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Jingle Bell Rock 是 Master 今年「搖滾聖誕派對」的主題曲,小朋友們,你們會唱了嗎?
這篇文章就是給 Master 的小朋友們練習用的。


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Here Comes the Christmas song!
This year, we're going to have a Christmas party on Christmas Eve.
Traditionally, we present one or more songs at the party.
Jingle Bell Rock is the song we chose for this Christmas, and you must be very deep into it!


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這是一本在ETA買到的繪本。延續著Sue Heap和Nick Sharratt的風格,非常溫馨、可愛又逗趣。
他們兩位共同的創作,還有Faster, Faster! Nice and Slow!這本提到很多opposite words。(點這裡看之前的文章)
另外還有One to Ten and Back Again則是教numbers的一本好繪本。  

Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly,從封面就看得到有多瘋狂。

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Now you see her... now you don't!
這就是這種optical illusion book的迷人之處!


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在這裡分享我和Joanne老師的錄音。採用的是You Read to Me, I'll Read to You裡面的文章。12月,也是2010年的最後一個月,祝福大家順利。 Hi! Ho! Hi! Ho! The world is white! Hi! Ho! Hi! Ho!  It snowed last night! It snowed while we Were fast asleep. It's nice and high. It's very deep. Put on your clothes, The ones for snow. Pull on your boots And then let's go! What shall we do The first of all? Let's build a snowman. Roll a ball. I'll roll the bottom On the ground. I'll make the middle Nice and round. I'll find a pebble For each eye. And if he starts to melt, He'll cry! His mouth can be  An apple slice. An apple slice Will turn to ice. I'm getting pretty Icy, too. You do look icy. So do you. Let's go inside And get a drink. Some cocoa would  Be good, I think. And while we're in, What shall we do? You read to me.  I'll read to you. 

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Use this rhyme when you want the students to listen to directions.

Here are moose's antlers. (make antlers on your head)
Give the moose a tap. (hands tap alternate shoulders)

Now we take our hands. (fold hands)
And put them in our lap. (put hands in lap)

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Here's another rhyme that you can use.
It's great for the times you need to calm the group down before starting a quiet activity.

Now it's time to listen.
Time to play is done.

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