進入12月,真的是冬天了。 大家應該開始忙著Christmas的教學活動和佈置了。在這裡分享我和Joanne老師的錄音。採用的是You Read to Me, I'll Read to You裡面的文章。12月,也是2010年的最後一個月,祝福大家順利。 Hi! Ho! Hi! Ho! The world is white! Hi! Ho! Hi! Ho! It snowed last night! It snowed while we Were fast asleep. It's nice and high. It's very deep. Put on your clothes, The ones for snow. Pull on your boots And then let's go! What shall we do The first of all? Let's build a snowman. Roll a ball. I'll roll the bottom On the ground. I'll make the middle Nice and round. I'll find a pebble For each eye. And if he starts to melt, He'll cry! His mouth can be An apple slice. An apple slice Will turn to ice. I'm getting pretty Icy, too. You do look icy. So do you. Let's go inside And get a drink. Some cocoa would Be good, I think. And while we're in, What shall we do? You read to me. I'll read to you.
Catherine's Open House
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