會選這首歌來教學,就是因為我昨天寫的那篇 ------ Here Comes a Bus,為了搭配那本可愛繪本。 繪本加上這首巴士歌,剛好配成套餐。 我用的是Super Simple Songs 2 這個版本,小朋友學得蠻快的。 這得歸功給 Super Simple Songs 囉,因為他們把歌詞改寫得真的是 super simple,所以一下子就學會了! 我的編舞比較簡單,剛剛才發現他們的官網上面,不但有歌詞,還有設計好動作哩! 真的很理想。 不想花腦筋編舞的時候,Super Simple Songs 應該是首選。
來自官網的資料: lyrics and actions:
(Everybody stands in big circle. As the bus noises fade in and the music starts, begin moving around the room pretending to drive the bus. You may want to give all of the students some props to act as steering wheels. Tambourines work great! Honk the horn!)
(Everyone stops and faces into the circle.) The wheels on the bus go round and round. (Move your hands and arms round and round in a circle.) Round and round. Round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round. Round and round. (Go! Between each verse, everyone pretends to drive a bus and honk the horn.) The door on the bus goes open and shut. (Clap your hands together on "shut" and open them on "open".) Open and shut. Open and shut. The door on the bus goes open and shut. Open and shut. The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish. (Mimic the motion of windshield wipers with your hands and arms.) Swish, swish, swish. Swish, swish, swish. The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish. Swish, swish, swish. The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep. (Pretend to be honking the horn on the steering wheel of a bus.) Beep, beep, beep. Beep, beep, beep. The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep. Beep, beep, beep. The people on the bus go up and down. (Stretch up and then squat down.) Up and down. Up and down. The people on the bus go up and down. Up and down. The babies on the bus go wah wah wah. (Place your hands next to your eyes and pretend to cry.) Wah, wah, wah. Wah, wah, wah. The babies on the bus go wah wah wah. Wah, wah, wah. The mommies on the bus go shhh shhh shhh. (Place your finger in front of your mouth as you make the shhh sounds. You can also pretend to cradle a baby in one arm). Shhh shhh shhh. Shhh shhh shhh. The mommies on the bus go shhh shhh shhh. Shhh shhh shhh.
值得一提的是,我們班的小朋友真可愛,唱到 The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep...時, 我原本設計的動作是「伸手去按喇叭」,但是他們想要改成「按自己的鼻子」。哈哈! 我當場就忍不住笑出來了。超可愛。 這段影片是他們第二次唱這首歌,歌詞還不熟,但是我覺得他們喜歡喔。 我喜歡這種不經彩排、自然呈現上課情況的短片,我只是把小相機放在旁邊書櫃上,然後忠實記錄我們的學習過程。 這就是過程。每一刻都美好。只要願意嘗試,孩子們就在進步。 與您分享這份小小的、平凡的,但很滿足的感動。
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