(照片來源:Yahoo新聞,Hong Kong) Dear all,今天是民國100年的元旦喔!Happy New Year! 祝福您在新的一年裡,一切美好圍繞在身旁,健康、平安、快樂。聽了Murphy老師分享他的新創作曲Chinese Zodiac Sign,又欣賞又感動。趁著今天新年第一天, Catherine也來創作一首新年兒歌!我選了Here Comes Santa Claus的曲,搭配為2011新年做的詞,就成了這一首Happy New Year 2011。很不好意思,如有興趣的話,請聽看看,歡迎留言指教。Lyrics:
Happy New Year
Happy New Year
The New Year's coming here
Let's celebrate it
Jump up for it
A hug for you and me
May the brand New Year bring you
Joy and love and peace
All you'll have is
Bright and merry
All throughout the year