Happy New Year!
A happy New Year to you!
I wish you a happy New Year!
I wish you a wonderful and happy New Year!
Much joy to you in the upcoming year!祝新年快樂!
Wishing you health and happiness in the year to come!祝你在新的一年裡,健康幸福。
May 2010 bring you joy, love, and peace.願2010年為你帶來喜悅、愛與和平。
Luck and success in the coming year!新的一年,吉祥如意!
Good luck in the year ahead!新年好運到!
May you come into a good fortune!恭喜發財!
May fortune find the way to you!祝財運亨通!
I hope the New Year will bring you and your family every happiness, good health, and continued success.希望新的一年帶給你和你的家人幸福、健康和順遂。
Peace and love for you throughout the New Year!新的一年裡,愛與和平屬於你。
May warmest wishes, happy thoughts, and friendly greetings stay with you the whole year through.願溫馨的祝福、快樂的想法和友誼的祝賀伴隨你一整年。
May the New Year hold lots of happiness for you!願新年帶給你無邊幸福!
Have a love-filled New Year!願你擁有一個充滿愛的新年!
就像Taipei 101 show出來的英文字樣Taiwan UP,新的2010年,我們努力UP喔!Way to go!