
(圖片來自 Google)

在每次的Story Time 之前,我習慣用歌謠或手指謠來暖身。


今天不妨來一首Hello, How Are You?

文本來自 Scholastic 電子書 "Circle Time" (好多年前網路上買的,不知是否仍發行了),我做了一點點歌詞改編喔。

曲調用 Skip to My Lou 來唱,愈唱愈順哩!


Lyrics: (Tune: Skip to My Lou) 

Hello, child's name, how are you?

Hello, 2nd child's name, how are you?

Hello, 3rd child's name, how are you?

We're so glad to see you!


Here, here, we're all here.

Here, here, we're all here.

Here, here, we're all here.

We're so happy here.

Hello, 4th child's name, how are you?

Hello, 5th child's name, how are you?

Hello, 6th child's name, how are you?

We're so glad to see you!

 (Repeat as many time as necessary to welcome each child.)




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