第二期的「繪本美樂地」,在新北市「奧莉薇繪本館」開始體驗課程囉! 歡迎喜歡繪本、愛聽故事、熱愛音樂、想做勞作的小朋友,一起來享受! 課程請洽詢:奧莉薇繪本館 (點一下可連結至官網) 4/19 ,Catherine老師要搭配繪本的三首歌曲,請看這裡的影片。 歡迎家長跟孩子們一起看影片,一起唱跳! 小朋友學習能力很快,馬上就會琅琅上口喔! [ The More We Get Together ]
The more we get together, together, together
The more we get together, the happier we'll be
'Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
[ Hello! ]
Hello! Hello! Hello! How are you?
I'm good! I'm great! I'm wonderful!
(tired / hungry / not so good)
[ Funny Faces ]
Let's make a funny face, I'll show you what to do.
I'll make a funny face, and then you make one, too.
Look at my funny face, and this is what you do, say…
Oo ee oo ah ah
Ting tang walla walla bing bang
Catherine's Open House
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