
(照片:2011.9.7我的幼美班小朋友Betty, Hina, Kelly的作品)

怎麼會想到這首歌哩?因為Moon Festival (中秋節)就要到啦。
英文歌謠也有一個人住在月亮上(in the moon),那就是Aikendrum!   


There was a man lived in the moon, in the moon, in the moon.

There was a man lived in the moon and his name was Aikendrum.


He played upon a ladle, a ladle, a ladle, a nd he played upon a ladle,  and his name was Aikendrum.  

And his hair was made of spaghetti spaghetti spaghetti. His hair was made of spaghetti and his name was Aikendrum. 


And his eyes were made of meatballs meatballs meatballs. His

eyes were made of meatballs and his name was Aikendrum.


And he played upon a ladle, a ladle, a ladle. He played upon a ladle and his name was Aikendrum.


And his nose was made of cheese cheese cheese. His nose was made of cheese and his name was Aikendrum.


And his mouth was made of pizza pizza pizza. His mouth was made of pizza and his name was Aikendrum.


And he played upon a ladle, a ladle, a ladle. He played upon a ladle and his name was Aikendrum.


There was a man lived in the moon, in the moon, in the moon. There was a man lived in the moon and his name was Aikendrum.    


下面這個影片是在YouTube上面找到的,那音樂的版本應該就是Raffi的版本,選自Singable songs for the Very Young 。
另外在Kimbo的Five Little Monkeys專輯CD也有這首歌,編曲略有不同,一樣好聽。      

歌曲中提到了Aikendrum的頭髮是用spaghetti做的、眼睛是meatball、鼻子是cheese 、嘴巴則是pizza!
Teacher Catherine幫大家準備的材料:另外給小朋友一張圖畫紙,他們就可以開始勞作時間啦!spaghetti我今天準備兩種,這個需要用白膠,才黏得牢喔!先把白膠塗在Aikendrum的頭上,再把義大利麵條一根一根放上去即可。 小朋友還很小,剛剛開始學寫字母。雖然寫得不是很美,但我覺得超可愛!每個人的Aikendrum也各具特色,好可愛呀。這是一邊唱、一邊做完的勞作喔! 喜歡這篇中秋節的相關歌謠、或是喜歡小朋友的Aikendrum ,歡迎給個「讚」「推」Wishing you a jolly Moon Festival! 











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