<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none"
/> 前幾天,Belle老師留言問到現在進行式Present Progressive Tense的教學法。
我們先設定是 針對小五生、30位學生的班級 。
現在進行式的基本句型:am / are / is + V-ing
Be V.是小朋友很容易混淆的部分,我會先讓他們玩「Be動詞拳」,使全班都熟悉不同主詞該搭配am / are / is哪一個Be V.。
全班一起練習:I am I am (兩手的大拇指同時指自己)、you are you are (兩手的食指同時指對方)、he is she is (兩手的大拇指分別指左邊、右邊)。
練習完後,全班分成15組,玩三分鐘,再交換partner玩三分鐘。 (點這裡看之前的文章「Be動詞拳」)
用六張A4大小的construction paper ,用麥克筆分別寫上I am talking. / You are talking. / He is talking. / The girl is talking. / The man is talking. / The baby is talking. (可請小朋友代勞,又可增進其練習機會。)
如此完成六張「句子卡」,我們就要用這些卡來玩下面三種遊戲。 二、配對遊戲 「句子卡」貼在白板上。 字朝向白板。 T: (Point to a card.) Andy, give me a sentence. Andy: The girl is talking. T: Everyone, please repeat the sentence. Ss: The girl is talking. T: (Take a peep at the card.) Oh, sorry. Not the correct sentence. T: (Point to another card. ) Jason, give me a sentence. Jason: The man is talking. T: Everyone, please repeat the sentence. Ss: The man is talking. T: (Turn over the card.) Right! Lucky you! The man is talking. You can win 1 point. 三、超大撲克牌數字配 (點這裡看之前的文章) 老師拿出六張撲克牌,分別為2.4. 6 ,各兩張。 將撲克牌放入句子卡後面,不能讓學生看到撲克牌。 T: Choose two cards and try to make two sentences using the present progressive tense. After that, we can look at the number behind the cards. If the numbers are the same, you will get the points! T: Now, team A, you may go first. Answer my question, who is talking? Kelly (the first student in Team A ): The girl is talking. The baby is talking. ... 四、消失的字卡 (點這裡看之前的文章What's Missing?) 老師將六張句子卡貼在白板上,當老師說"One, two, three."大家就要趴在桌子上,同時說"Go to sleep."假裝睡覺。 這時老師將一張卡取下,收好。 接著說:"Who is talking?"小朋友就要趕快醒來、舉手搶答。 必須要答出消失的那張字卡。 例如:The baby is talking.答對就得分囉!