這是首有名的韻文,我甚至還收藏到了一本繪本,整本都在唸這首韻文,超級可愛。 Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? (Name) took the cookie from the cookie from the cookie jar. Who? Me? Yes.You! Coudn't be! Then who? (Name) took the cookie from the cookie from the cookie jar. 是一首唸不完的韻文啊。 在幼美班,小朋友學得很快,搭配拍手、拍腿(桌),變成一首節奏感很強、很好聽的韻文。 剛開始Rachel老師在帶的時候,我發覺到小朋友總在指定某人took the cookie from the cookie jar時會停頓。 於是我就教大家把第一句Who took the cookie from the cookie jar唸三次,順利很多喔! 如此一來就有時間思考要指定誰,且讓孩子們把口語句型練得更順。 在下面的影片中,小朋友只要指定Teacher Catherine took the cookie from the cookie jar,全班就會很high... 歡迎欣賞!
Catherine's Open House
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