今天早上本來要寫一篇Thanksgiving繪本,可是不知怎麼了,照片一直貼不上去。 索性來看看這個美好的短片。 輕柔美麗的琴音,與世上人間最美好的事物, 有四季流轉、可愛動物、草原與藍天、嬰兒與母親、日出與日落、森林與流水...... 一切一切,上天給人類最好的禮物。 我在"The Thanksgiving story"這本書裡讀到, The Pilgrims decided to have a special day to thank God for all He had given them. They had done this at harvest time in England. They sang the hymn they had brought to the New World with them: "Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below..." The Indians may have understood about the prayer, for their people had a Thanksgiving prayer of their own. They gave thanks to their God , who made "the trees grow, the corn grow, and all kinds of fruits." 不分國籍、不分種族,先民在刻苦的環境中,都能體會感恩的真意。 何況是生活在現代世界的,幸福的你我呢? 我在上禮拜和Teacher Rachel聊天時,她也告訴我,感恩節要感謝的,其實首先是空氣、太陽、水、食物、森林......這些種種,再來才是我們身邊的人。 Rachel和朋友家人(美國的基督徒)在禱告中,也真的是這麼說的喔。 我今年終於懂了感恩節的真正意義啊。
Catherine's Open House
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