If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
by Laura Joffe Numeroff / illustrated by Felicia Bond
假設語氣 2. Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney dream,環保3. The Rat and the Tiger by Keiko Kasza罷凌4. The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big Hungry Bear by Don & Audrey Wood, illustrated by Don Wood懸疑氣氛 5. Up In Heaven by Emma Chichester Clark生命美學、死亡議題 6. Mabel's Magical Garden by Paula Metcalf friendship, sharing 7. The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton seasons,環保8. This Is the Way We Go to School by Edith Baer / illustrated by Steve Bjorkman transportation,世界觀、跨文化 9. Curious George by HA Ray humor 10. Love You Forever by Robert Munsch / illustrated by Sheila Mc Graw親情 繪本書單的分享到這裡,暫告一個段落。 繪本愛好者如你、如我,一定常常發現新寶藏,因為繪本的世界真的是無窮無盡的寶藏!透過story telling,也讓孩子們感受到繪本的大千世界、不同的閱讀感受吧!喜歡這一系列繪本書單分享的朋友,請不吝按個「讚」或是「推」,謝謝。
- Mar 29 Thu 2012 23:32
[繪本] 我的Top 10 繪本書單(高年級)