Lyrics: Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep, And doesn't know where to find them. Leave them alone, And they'll come home, Wagging their tails behind them. Little Bo-Peep has found her sheep, And she knew where to find them. She left them alone and they came home, Wagging their tails behind them. 你喜歡 Mother Goose Club 嗎?I do! 之前就寫過一篇文章,介紹這個團體喔!(點這裡看「可愛迷人的Mother Goose Club」) 這首 Little Bo Peep,我一聽就喜歡上了。 好幾次都在搭捷運時,反覆反覆地用 iPod 看這段影片。 改天編好舞,來教我的幼美班小小孩! Mother Goose Club 官網有些不錯的資源:歌詞、著色單、影片... ( Link! ) 與您分享這首可愛的歌謠。 Have a nice Sunday night!
Catherine's Open House
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