今天來記錄一個簡單、基本款的教學遊戲。 我偶爾會用在單字小考之前,幫助小朋友用短短的時間複習一下。Steps: 1. Draw a smilie face and a frowning face for each child. 2. The teacher will read some letters. The children will write them down on the board. 3. The children need to use the letters to unscramble a correct word! As soon as possible! 4. The fastest one will rush to get the hooter and make a loud noise. After saying the word correctly, he will get a smilie face. 5. The other children will finish spelling the word, and the last one will get a frowning face. 我提到的hooter ,就是「吧噗」。聲音響亮。 最快拼完字的小朋友,會很激動的衝過來搶吧噗。要注意的是,其它孩子們還是要把字拼完喔,最慢的也會扣分。這樣才達到練習目的。輸贏並非最重要,我們只是要孩子們在愉快、好玩的氣氛下,充分練習。 我發現只要5分鐘練習單字,小朋友們就可以在小考中表現很棒。而且沒有人說討厭小考囉。
Catherine's Open House
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