Thanksgiving 的歌曲,還真的不多。原來不是只有我這樣覺得。
讀了Super Simple Songs 的 blog,關於 Thanksgiving,他們也是覺得腦袋中搜尋不著 Thanksgiving 的代表性歌曲喔。
Anyway ,還是有很多改編版的歌曲。
前幾天找到了一首Mr. Turkey,很高興 Teacher Cheryl 也說喜歡!
Thanksgiving Song
sung to: "Twinkle, Twinkle little star"
Thank you, thank you, very much
For everything that I can touch
Thanks a lot for nature’s food
And for when I’m feeling good
Thank you, thank you very much
For moms and dads and friends and such
We Are Thankful
sung to "Are You Sleeping?"(Frere Jacques)
We are thankful, we are thankful,
For our food, for our food.
And our many blessings,
And our many blessings,
Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord.
Let's be Thankful for this Day
sung to "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Stars"
Let's be thankful for this day,
For our friends and our play.
Let's be thankful, let's be glad,
For our food and the things we have.
Let's give thanks for you and me,
And our home and family.
I'm a Turkey
sung to "Yankee Doodle"
I'm a turkey, big and fat. (Spread arms out.)
I spread my tail. I walk like that. (Fan fingers like a turkey's tail; Waddle.)
Each day's corn I will not miss, (Rub stomach.)
And when I talk, I sound like this: (Point to lips; Cup hand next to ear.)
God's Blessings
sung to "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"
We are thankful for the ways
That God's blessed us all today.
Thanks for moms and dads so dear.
Thanks for food and clothes we wear.
We are thankful for the ways
That God's blessed us all today.
Did You Ever See a Turkey ?
sung to "Did You Ever See a Lassie?"
Did you ever see a turkey,
A turkey, a turkey,
Did you ever see a turkey
Run this way and that?
He runs, and he runs,
And he runs, and he runs!.
To keep from being dinner on Thanksgiving Day!
Thanksgiving Dinner
Sung to: Where is Thumbkin
Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving
Here it comes, here it comes.
Turkey on the table, turkey on the table.
MMM good, MMM good.
Cornbread muffins, chestnut stuffing,
Pumpkin pie, ten feet high.
We were so much thinner, before we came to dinner.
Me oh my, me oh my!
The Pilgrims Came
Sung to:"Yankee Doodle"
The pilgrims came across the sea,
And never thought of you and me
And yet, it's very strange the way
We think of them on Thanksgiving Day.
We tell their story old and true,
Of how they sailed across the blue.
And found a new land to be free,
And built their home quite near the sea
Every child knows well the table
Of how they bravely turned the sail,
And journeyed many a day and night
To worship God as they thought right.
Thanksgiving Things
Sung to: "Farmer in the Dell"
The turkeys in the pen,
They turkeys in the pen.
All the children come and see,
The turkeys in the pen.
The pilgrims on the boat,
The pilgrims on the boat.
All the children come and see
the pilgrims on the boat.
The Indians in the field,
The Indians in the field,
All the children come and see,
The Indians in the field.
The pumpkins in the patch,
The pumpkins in the patch,
All the children come and see,
The pumpkins in the patch.
The corn on the cob,
The corn on the cob,
All the children come and see,
The corn on the cob.
The butter in the chum,
The butter in the chum,
All the children come and see,
The butter in the chum.
Thanksgiving @ The
Preschool Education. com
Head, Sholders, Knees and All That