
首先在黑板上畫上4X4表格,標上ABCD、1234,如下圖。老師手上有一張「解答」,先隨意寫好八個+ (plus)和八個一(minus) 。不能讓小朋友看到這張解答。把小朋友分成A、B兩組,都先給20分,寫在黑板上。各組小朋友輪流回答老師的問題後,若答對,全組複述兩次,就可進行丟骰子。丟骰子後,還要選一個空格,如D2、B4、A4... 老師公佈答案,是+則加分,是-則減分(根據骰子點數)。將加分或減分累計在黑板上。直到所有格子被選完,遊戲就結束了。遊戲中的英文說法參考:Kids, look at the grid on the board. In each square, there's a plus or minus sign. After you answer my question, you may choose a square. T: It's Sam's turn. Sam, How do you go to school? (show him the flashcard) S: I go to school by bus.  T: Great. Team A, please repeat it. Team A: I go to school by bus. I go to school by bus. T: OK. You can throw the die, Sam.    (After throwing the die...) T: Now you can choose one. S: B2. T: It's a plus. Congratulations! You can get 5 points.我認為蠻適用在許多的文法遊戲、口說練習。歡迎留言指教。







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